There's been so many fights that I fought and I never won
كان هناك الكثير من المعارك التي خضتها ولم افز ابدا
So I decided that I should just give up in trying to right your wrongs
لذلك قررت علي أن استسلم من محاولة تصحيح اخطائك
And word on the street is that she did to you what you did to me.
والكلمة في الشارع فعلت بك مافعلت بي
So unfortunately for girls like me there are more like you.
من سوء حظ الفتيات امثالي يوجد الكثير مثلك
Bending and breaking the rules and we're making exceptions to.
الانحناء وكسر القواعد ونحن نحقق استثناءات